Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a pretty good acca haul

=) This post don't actually about me that much but more about all the close buds and friends around me that took ACCA last December, especially the close ones and She =)
From my contact list, many had passed, though maybe not all the subject
but at least, y'all prove yourself that ACCA is not unbeatable and that,
y'all one hell of a gang to knock ACCA down =)
As for those that didn't get it through this time...
Work Hard for the Upcoming Seating =)
Chances are still there, grab it and make it good once and for all =D
Congrats, dear, ji-muis , bros, and all of you out there =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Something well-confirmed again =)

Actually this post came-in a bit late here....
headed to Penang to meet my cousins and aunts on the first day of Chinese New Year,
nothing really special happened throughout the day,
till something nice to come into confirmation at night
In the night, I went out with my uncle and a couple of cousins together with one of their GF..
and there goes, we end up talking bout loads of stuff....
and if there is one thing that catch my attention to confirm some stuff,
its this~~
the hell load of places my uncle and my couz' GF talked about~~
the first and only thing that came to my mind is that,
dear,I would really love to go to all these places with you =)
they spoke of creepy places, nice place and all sort of places
you are the next thing that came into my mind =)
somehow,it really do re-confirm my feelings for you....
I really do mean my feelings for you =)
a very firm confirmation for myself again

this is LA Disneys Haunted Mansion =)
one of the nice place they mentioned =)

Lacking wish!?

Can actually not say that wishes are ever not-enough or enough,
its just lacking without a wish from u,dear =(
that sting quite a bit...
Had seriously hope for a wish from you,
it never seem to be complete without one from you....
Well....there goes my incomplete Chinese New Year (and Valentine) wish list =(

Monday, February 8, 2010


OMG...seriously,the right side of my head feels like its gonna burst d...
Have been 2 damn days,
I have been having headache....sigh...
Hope that by the sleep I'm getting tonight,
my misery is gonna end =S
However this is only the first half of the misery,,,
Second part is playing a pretty huge part....
My mind have not been anywhere near sane these days....
The Mind....It just seems to be so much harder to focus onto something,
and that it keeps on wander off to the same old place~~
Thats something Me too believes its hard to move away from....
LOVE is pretty similar to something I love pretty much....
DARK CHOCOLATE = Sweet but at the same time Bitter =S

Friday, February 5, 2010

bad mind at the bad time

My mind have been pretty much wondering all the time these days~~
The best part is that its been wondering even through the inappropriate times,
when I drive,when I cross the road
Now this 2 are the terrible moments for it to wander,especially away from the good parts.....
I was on my way driving to the cyber cafe....
And guess what...
nearly encounter an accident (my fault this time)
nearly hit a motorcyclist....Zzzzzz.....
then,after parking the car...
while trying to cross the road.....
maybe I just didn't read the road well enough,
I nearly end-up getting bashed by a car~~~
OMG......Its really hard to just stay sane with my mind being so off-wandering....
Dear....really miss you a lot.....
Think I still have some life in me worthy to live for the Guy-Up-There..
Gonna try to be more sane living my life,
there are still plenty of things that I gotta do and achieve,
Life is Full with Sweet, Sour, Bitter
Maybe now its just the turn of Bitter and Sour running the show....