Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a pretty good acca haul

=) This post don't actually about me that much but more about all the close buds and friends around me that took ACCA last December, especially the close ones and She =)
From my contact list, many had passed, though maybe not all the subject
but at least, y'all prove yourself that ACCA is not unbeatable and that,
y'all one hell of a gang to knock ACCA down =)
As for those that didn't get it through this time...
Work Hard for the Upcoming Seating =)
Chances are still there, grab it and make it good once and for all =D
Congrats, dear, ji-muis , bros, and all of you out there =)


  1. the dark friday should mean friday the 13th eh...
    u r??
    however...what u say is nicely said =)
    (i can't really read the whole phase but i kinda get the idea of it)
